Buying Tenerife property - or property anywhere abroad - can be a nerve-wracking experience. Those who have spent time in Tenerife before returning to their homes in Europe often spend long months dreaming about buying a home in sunny Tenerife before reaching the decision to actually make the move.
Decision made, hopeful buyers then arrange a trip to Tenerife and often walk in off the street to the first estate agent office that they find or the one that happens to be closest to their holiday apartment. While some property buyers will be looking to move permanently others simply want to buy a holiday home that they can use for themselves and also let out for an extra income.
The principal reason people give for choosing to buy property in Tenerife is the island’s wonderful year-round climate. Whilst, initially, the property is bought for holiday use, many people also dream that they may one day retire here.
The principal reason people give for choosing to buy property in Tenerife is the island’s wonderful year-round climate. Whilst, initially, the property is bought for holiday use, many people also dream that they may one day retire here.
Having decided to look into the purchase of a property in Tenerife, usually by studying properties for sale in various Tenerife Estate Agents’ windows, a decision ultimately has to be made about what kind of property to buy, and where to buy. Many first time buyers therefore end up with an apartment near to where they stayed on holiday simply because that’s where the Estate Agent they liked best had their office! Later, these same people often wish they had looked at other locations before 'rushing in'.
However, over recent years, ever-increasing numbers of people are buying their properties having first informed them via the internet, following up their initial contact visiting Tenerife to have a look at a number of ‘suitable’ properties before making a decision. This process has become more and more refined over the last 2/3 years with more, and better, sites appearing with built-in Enquiry Forms.
We at Secondhome Tenerife will help you to find your dream property in the South of Tenerife. Our website www.secondhometenerife.com will help you to find the property you want in the area you want. In our next newsletter I will explain more about the buying process.
Corné Schreuder
Sales Director
Corné Schreuder
Sales Director